(Coins were so risqué back in the day, eh? ;)) This is the latest jewel in my collection, and one I’ve been trying to get off a buddy of mine for a while. I’m not sure if I just caught him in a good mood, or my offer this ... [Full Post]

(Coins were so risqué back in the day, eh? ;)) This is the latest jewel in my collection, and one I’ve been trying to get off a buddy of mine for a while. I’m not sure if I just caught him in a good mood, or my offer this ... [Full Post]
Enter my giveaway I’m doing over at my finance blog, BudgetsAreSexy.com. We’re giving away a 1/10 oz. American Gold Eagle coin, along with a cool pirate book and 2 hour consulting session. But me thinks you scalleywags would like to make off with mainly the coin, am I ... [Full Post]
The winner of the 2015 Canadian Grey Wolf coin is…. bum bum bum…. “M.E.” Well, not me-me – as in the person typing this right now, but the clever person who goes as M.E. on the interwebs ;) Congrats Mr/Mrs? M.E.! Hope it’s a nice addition to your ... [Full Post]
Hey guys! It’s been a while since we did our last “9 Questions” so we’re picking it back up today with my friend, and fellow finance blogger, Eric Rosenberg of Narrow Bridge Finance. It’s always interesting to see how people got started in the hobby and what they ... [Full Post]
Hey guys! Got my hands on a kick-ass new silver coin that just came out this week exclusively from APMEX.com: The 2015 3/4 oz Silver Canadian Grey Wolf coin – it’s pretty slick. And just like we did last time when they released the silver Australian Great White ... [Full Post]
Finally got around to snapping some pics of my new safe I picked up :) I wasn’t really in the market for one as I already have a safe I use for important paperwork and my special collection of coins, but a friend of mine really wanted to ... [Full Post]
I don’t know why, but I’m obsessed with the odd denominated coins of our past. Particularly two cent and three cent pieces. They’re just so cool and, well, odd looking that whenever I see someone looking to part with ’em I usually can’t help but to start bartering ... [Full Post]
The other day I hosted a “Ask J. Money Day” where people sent in questions – no matter of what nature – and I’d answer them. One such reader chimed in with questions on valuing paper currency (which I’ll put in a different post), and then after some ... [Full Post]
I got an interesting email this afternoon I thought I’d share with you guys. Figured much more succinct and interesting to see in this form than doing an interview with them ;) You can click the link at the bottom to learn more if you’d like. ... [Full Post]
Good afternoon fellow coin lovers! Whatchy’all been up to lately? Get any kick-ass coins while I’ve been away? Tell us all about them in the comments below. Or better yet, be our next “9 questions” interviewee :) It’s been a bit quite here on Coin Thrill which I ... [Full Post]