Coins, Currency, Commentary...

My 2 Cents

Remember that $50 credit I got for offloading those $5.00 star notes? Well, this is coin #1 I picked up from my newest coin friend’s stash :) Helping me get closer to owning one of each “odd” denomination the U.S. has produced too – I’m thrilled! Most people ... [Full Post]

9 Questions with… J. Money

One of my favorite things about collecting, besides the coins themselves, are the people and history behind them.  There’s a reason columns such as “coin finds” (in Coins magazine) had to double their page space recently – people enjoy hearing the adventures of coin collectors! We love hearing ... [Full Post]

Lot of Twenty $5.00 Bill Star Notes!

So an interesting thing happened to me the other week: I got my hands on 20 – CONSECUTIVE – five dollar bill star notes :) All crisp as can be, and all for only $100 in trade! A friend of mine works at a restaurant, and apparently he ... [Full Post]

Widow’s Mite

This is the most recent addition to my collection :) And the story behind it is pretty interesting… A few weeks ago I came across a new (to me) financial blog, and as a coin collector I really liked its name: At first I was just paying ... [Full Post]

Karma Rewards me w/ an Older $20 Bill

So only a few hours after finding (and turning over) that newer looking $20 bill, my trip to the bank pays off with this 1995 old school twenty! After asking the teller those few, yet calculated, words we always pray works out: “Have anything cool or old looking?” ... [Full Post]

Found a $20 Bill on the ground!

That was the good news…. The bad news? I also found a kid only a handful of steps away from it :( Though you never can tell when you ask someone “Is this your money?” The answer will almost certainly be a YES ;) I did check it ... [Full Post]

Package of coins in the mail!

I recently got a kick-ass package in the mail from a fellow blogger (and bank teller!), Ben from The Wealth Gospel. I had known he was sending me something since he had emailed me a few weeks back, but I thought at most it would be 4-5 coins. ... [Full Post]

 // Created by J. Money