Karma Rewards me w/ an Older $20 Bill

1995 20 dollar bill

So only a few hours after finding (and turning over) that newer looking $20 bill, my trip to the bank pays off with this 1995 old school twenty! After asking the teller those few, yet calculated, words we always pray works out:

“Have anything cool or old looking?”

Usually you get back a “we’ve got some $1 presidential coins?” or “Some half dollars?” which are still better than nothing, but when they actually DO have something more unique it makes it even better. Not that this $20 above is all that special, but man – I haven’t come across one in at least 10-15 years! I swear they were so much more elegant looking back then than they are now too. Dumb modernization and counterfeiters ;)

Out of curiosity I looked it up in my United States Currency book, and it states the following:

$20 SERIES 1995 — Signatures: Withrow-Rubin

Added security devices. Sheet-fed at both Washington and Fort Worth facilities. All have nominal values and are commonly available in high grade condition. Star replacement notes have a 25 percent premium.

So, nothing too mind-blowing but it may be worth a tiny bit more than the $20.00 face value, eh? Like maybe $20.50? ;)

Either way, score 1 for the J. Money collection. It’ll go nicely with my older $100, and $50, and $10 bills too… Though, this one looks MUCH more regal than even those for some reason? I think because the $20 used the same design for decades in a row while the others morphed faster? Will have to look that one up…

For now I’ll just stare at it for a while longer and count my blessings. It’s the little things in life :)

1995 20 dollar bill back

UPDATE: After I wrote this up I went on a second walk. To my disbelief I came across an old tattered wallet near the sidewalk! Thinking my luck couldn’t get any better, I quickly picked it up and peered inside with the excitement of a little kid on Christmas. Sadly, however, my joy stopped there – it was completely empty. I guess I’ll have to settle for 1 out of 3 today :)


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