Hey Guys!

Ever since starting this blog I’ve gotten a number of emails asking for a place to buy and sell coins – something I myself have really wanted as well! – and now we have the answer: this coin buying list.

Every time we have coins to sell, either from you guys or my own personal collection or other collections we come across, we’ll shoot out an email to y’all and if you’re interested in any we’ll simply connect you directly to the seller.

Nice and easy :) And free!

My friend Nate will be helping me with this so we can really make it good and helpful, so if you’re interested just sign on up there to the left and we’ll shoot you a note the next time we know of coins for sale. We’ll never email you more than once a week, and you can opt out of the list any time you wish.

Happy collecting,

j money signature
PS: This list is of course for any of y’all that would like to *sell* any of your coins as well. Maybe those you no longer collect, or those you have duplicates of, or maybe simply just to make a little cash on the side? Either way, if you’d like to get them in front of awesome collectors such as yours truly, shoot us a note and we’ll try and help you sell them :) We’ll be charging a small commission to do so in the future, but currently it won’t cost you a penny as we kick this off and get it growing.